And my first completed series woot.  This was a very good ending to a very good series.  There was some parody of the Lion King in this episode with the whole baby on the cliff scene.  It was quite a twist at the end so I hope everyone watch and enjoy the epsiode.


All Hail The King

You can download this from Commie Subs or WhyNot when it is available.

They found the spying devices that were planted by Colin in the apartment as well as the cabin where the subordinates were staying.  The princess sent the prince a few letters that was full of incorrect kanji.  They connected all the mistakes with a line and those were able to make characters.  The princess wants to meet them at the peak of the mountain at 8 P.M.  They are cut off from outer space and they plan on meeting with the Disckonians to help them establish communications.  After some discussing between the three, they figured out that the 2nd prince and the princess are impostors from the Magura Freedom Alliance.  They want to bring about a revolution to gain their freedom from Dogura.  The prince wants to go out for a walk and have figured out something.  The Disckonians attacked the subordinates and all the different races will force the prince to marry or else they’d attack Earth.

The subordinates were handcuffed and sent to the spacecraft; however, they’re using a grasshopper to erode the cuffs.  They escaped along with the real princess and prince.  The prince meanwhile wants to see the moles on the princess shoulder to prove that she is the real one.  She showed him two moles but he said she isn’t the real one because she was suppose to have three moles instead of two.  After revealing the truth the 2nd prince attacked Prince Baka however the prince was able to easily dodge it.  The princes, princess and subordinates were able to meet together.  The only problem now is that the ring was taken by the thieves and cannot be taken off.  The prince decides to put the other ring on himself and marry the thief.  He wants to overthrow the current dynasty and raise a kid to become his arch-rival.  The truth was revealed at the end where the culprit was actually the real princess and she covered one of her moles with powder.  The two culprits are dressed as the princess and the prince.    The observation rule was abolish and all the alien races revealed themselves to Earth.  At the end of the credits it was revealed that the princess gave the prince the cat.